NH3 (Anhydrous Ammonia) Flow Control Meters & Manifolds
We have the most complete line of NH3 (anhydrous ammonia) flow control manual meters that handle low as well as high rates and manifolds that distribute ammonia evenly. No matter if you're doing 50 lbs N on 12 spacings or 200 lbs N on 30 spacings, we have the setup you need. Need more capacity? Check out our heat exchangers that mount both horizontally or vertically and come in 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" plumbing.
Please look below or to the left for the product category you are interested in. If you don't see what you're looking for please call us at 800-537-5642 or you can email us by clicking the Request Information button.
NH3 Heat Exchangers, Irrigation Meters & Manifolds
Explore All Flow Control Meter, Heat Exchanger, and Manifold Product Manuals
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If you're interested in NH3 (anhydrous ammonia) products distribution, use our distribution map tool to access a list of distributors in your area. If you need help finding an anhydrous ammonia distributor in your area or if you are interested in becoming one of our distribution partners, please feel free to call us at (214) 741-6081 or toll free at (800) 537-5642. You may also contact us sending a message.
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